API Reference

API Reference

See what are the API is being exposed by the cart library

NameTypeDefault ValueDescriptionExample
isCartOpenbooleanfalseIndicates whether the cart is open or not.isCartOpen ? "Yes" : "No"
toggleCartfunction-Toggles the visibility of the shopping cart.toggleCart();
openCartfunction-Sets the cart open state to true.openCart();
closeCartfunction-Sets the cart open state to false.closeCart();
cartItemsarray[]An array of items in the cart.cartItems.map((item) => ( <div key={item.productId}> <p>{item.name}</p> <p>Quantity: {item.quantity}</p> <p>Price: ${item.price}</p> </div> ))
addToCartfunction-Adds an item to the shopping cart or updates its quantity if already in the cart.addToCart({ productId: 'product1', name: 'Product 1', quantity: 2, price: 20 });
decreaseItemfunction-Decreases the quantity of an item in the shopping cart or removes it if the quantity becomes zero.decreaseItem('product1', 1);
removeFromCartfunction-Removes an item from the shopping cart.removeFromCart('product1');
clearCartfunction-Clears all items from the shopping cart.clearCart();